Cleaned up the code. Tackled a bunch of bugs and minor items:
- Added data to ingredient pages (they still need to be cleaned up)
- New ingredients:
- Added archive page for featured recipies
- Added over 100 new yeast strains
- Sorted into groups in select!
- Dry yeasts!
- Added and updated hops (200+)
- Cross-check data with: Thanks to @brewerwall
- Made ingredient pages not as ugly
To do:
- Login and edit and update
- Add analytic events to calculator (to understand how people interact with it)
- Mash calculations
- Need to complete mash parameter math (strike temps, etc…)
- “Dry hop” option instead of min.
- Whirlpool time setting – for better IBU calculations
Bug reports:
Hop format not being recorded– Thank you Scott!Gueuze/Lambic styles have a bug in the FGOnly whole gallons? No 5.50?Thanks BenBug where entries w/ 0 are hidden- Lactose is wrong!
- ABV can’t be more than 100% (
Feature requests:
- Metric system for units / Allow different units (lbs vs. oz vs. kg) – Thank you Pete, Joe, Nick, etc…
- Allow uses to set preferences: Hop type, units, etc…
- Scale to XX gallons
- Replace ingredient selects with an auto-complete combobox (example)
- Brew notes
- Mash calculations
- Add a forum
- Images
- Dry yeast!
- Total grain weight + Percentage of grist to the right of the SRM Box – thanks sumbrewindude
- Lactose – since it’s not fermentable, the points shouldn’t be used when calculating the FG.
- Check color calculation – seems a bit dark!
- Indicator on sortable column headers.
- Show percentages for grain too. Amounts are too batch size specific. (thanks Kal)
- Allow grain and hops to be toggled on/off so that the results can be seen. Like the “include” checkbox in BeerToolsPro. (thanks Kal)
- Fields too small on phone – While viewing my recipe on my android phone I was unable to read the fields I needed. Thanks Ben.
- It would be nice to see an ‘other’ tab (for coffee, fruit…) – thanks Chris
- Manually move the sliders of the ABV, OG, IBU etc. – Thanks Kurt!
I see Mauribrew 514 ale yeast is not on the list, here is a link
best regards
Looks like 514 is already on the list: