Dry Stout

Famous Irish Stout (AKA Guiness). Dry roasted almost coffee like flavor. Irish versions have low starting gravity. Often mixed with soured, pasturized beer (3%) to give a slight acidity as well.


Medium-light to medium full body. Creamy. Dry roasted grainy flavor. Generous hops, though roast malt flavor will dominate. Complex fruity flavor. Black opaque color. Low to moderate carbonation.


English malt. Roasted Barley and Flaked Barley for all grain. Some chocolate or black patent used in extract recipes. Goldings or Fuggles hops. Low sulfate, high calcium water.


Guiness Stout, Old Dominion Stout, Goose Island Dublin Stout, Murphy's Stout, O'Hara's Celtic Stout

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